

Try these out!

  1. Cascading in action
    See if this works with other operations!

    lcm 6*2 10+3 4^2

  2. A Trigonometric Identity
    Try changing the angle for both operators and see if you get the same answer

    (sin42)^2 + (cos42)^2

  3. The Speed of light
    The formula used to obtain speed of light in vacuum, from the impedance of vacuum towards electric and magnetic fields

    1/sqrt(#mvp * #evp)


  1. Basic Arithmetic
    Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), Division (/), Floor Division (//), Reciprocal (~), Float supported Modulus (%)

  2. Step functions
    Floor function (floor), Ceil function (ceil), Signum function (sign), Fractional part (fractional), Absolute value (abs)

  3. Powers and Roots
    Power (^), Square root (sqrt), Cube root (cbrt), n-th root (^~)

  4. Combinatoric Functions
    Factorial (!), Permutation (P), Combination (C)

  5. Trigonometric Functions
    Sine (sin), Cosine (cos), Tangent (tan), Cosecant (cosec), Secant (sec), Cotangent (cot)

  6. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
    Sine inverse (arcsin), Cosine inverse (arccos), Tangent inverse (arctan)

  7. Logarithmic Functions
    Natural Logarithm (ln), Log base 10 (log), Logarithm (log_<base> <number>), Inverse of Natural Logarithm (antiln), Inverse of Logarithm (antilog_<base> <number>)

  8. Hyperbolic Functions
    Hyperbolic Sine (sinh), Hyperbolic Cosine (cosh), Hyperbolic Tangent (tanh)


  1. Universal Constants
    Speed of light in vacuum (#c), Newtonian constant of Gravitation (#G), Planck's constant (#h), Reduced Planck's constant (#rh), Gas constant (#R)

  2. Mathematical Constants
    Pi (#pi), Euler's number (#e), Golden Ratio (#gr)

  3. Atomic and Nuclear constants
    Electron mass (#e_mass), Proton mass (#p_mass), Neutron mass (#n_mass), Bohr radius (#bohr_rad), Rydberg constant (#ryd), Fine structured constant (#fsc), Hartree energy (#he)

  4. Physio-Chemical constants
    Atomic mass unit (#amu), Avogadro's number (#N), Boltzmann constant (#kb), Faraday constant (#F), first (#c_one) and second (#c_two) radiation constants, Stefan Boltzmann constant (#sb), Wien's displacement law constant (#wdl)

  5. Electromagnetic constants
    Electron's charge (#ec), Coulomb's constant (#kc), Vacuum Permeability (#mvp), Vacuum Permittivity (#evp), Bohr magneton (#bohr_magn), Nuclear magneton (#nuc_magn), Impedance of vacuum (#Z), Von Klitzing constant (#vkc)

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